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Use free online tool to convert HTML to PDF document easily

Use free online tool to convert HTML to PDF document easily

The free online tool VeryPDF Online Tools Free Online HTML to PDF Converter is a powerful online program which can be used to convert HTML to PDF document just by inputting URL and one click. The following contents will show you how to use this free online tool.

By clicking this link, you can enter the homepage of this program to convert URL to PDF document. Then please do as follows:

1. Please input the URL that you want to convert as PDF document in the edit box like the one shown in Figure 1.

enter URL in the edit box

                                                          Figure 1

2. Click Create PDF File button like the one shown in Figure 2

convert HTML to PDF

                                                           Figure 2

3. Save the converted PDF document in popup window box. Please see it in Figure 3.

save created PDF document

                                               Figure 3

4. After the conversion from HTML to PDF, you will see the created PDF document automatically displayed by the default PDF viewer installed on your computer. Please see it in Figure 4.

created PDF document after the conversion from HTML to PDF

                                                     Figure 4

If you want to convert HTML to PDF documents in batches or you need to convert local HTML to PDF, maybe you can try the desktop application of VeryPDFHTML Converter which can convert HTML pages to PDF, PS, JPG and other image formats. It also supports conversions from EMF, WMF and RTF to PDF and images. This converter supports batch conversion and has a command line version HTML Converter Command Line.

For more information about this conversion or this free online tool, please contact the support team.

Create Flipbook from PDF for free online

If you have a pdf document which contains many beautiful images, do you want to show it to your friends online? If so, you can create flipbook which contains flipping animation like a e-book and can be browsed by different kinds of browsers like FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 and Opera.


The free online tool Free Online Flipbook allows you to convert local or online pdf to flipbook just by three steps:

1. Load your PDF document

  • If you want to convert local pdf to flipbook, please click the button Browse or click the box beside the button to choose the path of pdf document in popup window. Please see it in Figure 1.
  • If you want to convert online pdf to flipbook, please check the option Online PDF File and input the URL of the document in the edit box.

load pdf document to create flipbook

                                                          Figure 1

2. Choose model for the flipbook

This free online tool supplies several kinds of models for your flipbook to make it seem more beautiful, cute and interesting. Just choose one that you like. Please see it in Figure 2.

choose flipbook model to convert pdf to flipbook

                                                          Figure 2

3.Show or hide the buttons in created flipbook

There will be some buttons in the created flipbook like download button, drag button, etc. You can choose True to show the buttons or choose False to hide the buttons. Please see it in Figure 3.

show or hide buttons for created flipbook

                                                         Figure 3

4. Create flipbook

Then you can click the button View Flipbook to view your created flipbook online. Then you can share it through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. You can click here to see the flipbook created by me. To create an online flipbook, please click the following button!


Convert local or URL PDF to Word document online for free

Convert local or URL PDF to Word document online for free

As the development of free online tools, you are able to make different kinds of conversion like PDF to Word online anytime as long as you can connect to Internet. You can use the program Free PDF to Word Online Tools of VeryPDF Online Tools.

This free online tool allows you to convert your local PDF or online PDF to Word within a short time. In the following contents, you can see how to use this online tool to make the conversion. There are two situations that you may come across:

  • Convert local PDF to Word document

convert local PDF to Word

                                                         Figure 1

  1. You can click the edit box Input a PDF file or click Browse button to open file picker window in which you need to choose a PDF document that you want to convert to Word document.
  2. Choose the output format as DOC Microsoft Office Word in Output Format dropdown list.
  3. Click Upload and Convert button to run the conversion.
  • Convert URL PDF to Word document

convert URL PDF to Word

                                                         Figure 2

  1. Input the URL or PDF document in Or enter a URL edit box.
  2. Choose the output format as DOC Microsoft Office Word in Output Format edit box.
  3. Click Upload and Convert button.


                                                  Figure 3

Several seconds later, you can save the created Word document in some location of your computer.

But the free online tool limits you to convert PDF to Word document in batches. If you need to make batch conversion, you can choose the desktop program of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter.

PDF Editor—A Powerful PDF Editor, Viewer and Creator

PDF Editor—A Powerful PDF Editor, Viewer and Creator

The application VeryPDF PDF Editor is an excellent application which is able to edit PDF document in PDF comment, PDF content, PDF annotation, etc., view PDF document as a professional viewer and convert PDF to image like a converter. Before using PDF Editor, please download it via clicking here. Then you need to double click the installer of it and find a destination for the application on your computer disk to install it.

edit pdf Edit or add PDF comment or content

To edit PDF document, you need to open PDF Editor by double clicking its icon. Then you will see the main interface of it on your screen like the one shown in Figure 1. If you need to add PDF comment or PDF content, please click Edit Comment or Edit Content button or click Tools—Edit Comment or Edit Content to open comment or content status. In comment toolbar, you can see there are four buttons which are activated. When you click Add Textbox or click Tools—Comment—Text Box, you need to draw a rectangle in document panel according to your need. Then please double click the rectangle to add PDF comment in the textbox. You can easily change the size and location by dragging the middle or corner of the rectangle.

add PDF comment

Figure 1

To edit the textbox, please right click it in non-edit state and click Properties option in popup floating item and then you will see Properties dialog box in which you can set different parameters for textbox. When you add note, stamp or graphics comment in PDF and edit them, the operations are the same. But if you want to add comments into them, you need to double click the one you added and input the comment in popup comment window which can also be dragged to change size and location.

edit text box

Figure 2

Then please click Save button in toolbar or click File—Save to save the changes you have made. You need to click File—Save as to open Save as dialog box which is shown in Figure 3. Please save the newly created PDF document in this dialog box. So you can edit PDF like this way.

save newly created PDF

Figure 3

edit pdfView PDF document

If you want to use PDF Editor to view PDF document, you can use three ways to open PDF document in this application.

  • Right click the PDF document that you want to view and click Open with—Choose Program to open Open with window in which you need to choose PDF Editor as the open tool.
  • Open PDF Editor at first and click File—Open or click Open button in toolbar to open file picker window in which you can choose the PDF document you want to view. In the opened application interface, you can also use the shortcut key Ctrl+ O to open the same dialog box.
  • Directly drag the document into the application PDF Editor.

Then you can freely change the page size of PDF document, view any page of PDF, use bookmarks, pages, etc. formats to view PDF, with the toolbar clip_image006 and clip_image008.

edit pdfConvert PDF to image

PDF Editor can also convert PDF to image of different formats such as BMP, JPG, PCX, WMF, etc. The operations are easy enough. When you add PDF document into PDF Editor, if you don’t want to edit the document, you just need to click File—Save as or use the shortcut key Shift+ Control+ S to open Save as dialog box which is shown in Figure 3. In Save in dropdown list, you need to choose the output location for the target file. In File name edit box, please input the file name. In Save as type dropdown list, please choose the output format such as BMP. You can also decide to convert several pages of PDF into image by specifying the page number in From and To edit boxes of Page group box. You can also set the resolution for target image in Resolution group box. Then click Save button.

If you have any questions about this application, you can read its user manual or you can enter its homepage to get more information about this application.

PDF Password Remover

PDF Password Remover

If you have some PDF documents which are protected by the encryptions from being printed, modified, copied or added annotation, maybe you need remove password from the PDF document. The application which will help you do this kind of word is VeryPDF PDF Password Remover.

PDF Password Remover is a professional program which is specially designed to remove password for encrypted PDF document so that you can easily do different operations to the files like copy, print, modify, etc. By using this application, you don’t need any other PDF reader or maker, which means that it is a stand-along application. Both 40-bit and 128-bit encryptions are all supported by PDF Password Remover. Both GUI and command line methods are supported.

To use the application, you need to download it via clicking here and double click the installer, follow the setup wizard to fulfill the installation. Now you will be able to use this program to remove password from encrypted PDF documents.
mario blue star GUI method

Step1. Open the application and add files

By double clicking the application icon or open the Start menu, you can all open PDF Password Remover easily. Please see the main interface in Figure 1. When you want to add encrypted PDF file into it, you can use any one of the listed ways below:

remove password in Password Remover

Figure 1

  • Click Open PDF (s) button and choose the document (s) you want to add.
  • Directly drag and drop the PDF (s) into the interface of PDF Password Remover.

Note: If you have added in PDF without any encryptions, Error which shows File is not encrypted will appear in file list.

Step2. Remove password and save target file

After adding PDF (s) into the application, the window for saving target file will popup automatically.(Note: Please input a new name instead of the original file name). Then click Save button. The above interface will display with the status of the password removal. When the process is over, it will remind you "Succeed" and then you can view the target file which can be opened in any PDF viewer without any restrictions at once.

mario blue starCommand line method

To perform batch conversion or call conversion procedure from an automation script, you can either run this tool directly from command line or call it from any script. When using the command line, you can drag the executable file pdfdecrypt.exe which locates in installation folder to MS-DOS interface and click Enter button to see its usage like the following one:

Usage: pdfdecrypt [options] 

There is an example for your reference:

pdfdecrypt -i C:\sample.pdf -o C:\decrypt.pdf

In the command line, pdfdecrypt stands for the called program and you need to use its full path when calling it. –I with C:\sample.pdf stands for the path of source file. –o with C:\decrypt.pdf stands for the path of target file. Then please hit Enter button to run the conversion.

In addition, PDF Password Remover also supports the following options:

-i [pdf file name] : decrypt PDF filename or directory.
-o [pdf file name] : PDF file will be generated.
If you not specify the -o parameter, the default output file will overwrite the input PDF file.
-u: user password.
-w : owner password.
-v: view the decrypted PDF file after decryption.
-l [log file name] : specify log file for output message.
-?: help.
-h: help.

If you want to get more information about Password Remover, just enter its homepage by clicking here.